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Evolution Videos


Evolution of Lactose Tolerance

All adult mammals but humans are lactose intolerant. (HHMI BioInteractive Video)

The Making of a Theory: Darwin, Wallace, and Natural Selection

Explore scientific discoveries alongside their discoverers. This educational biography of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace tells the story of two independent discoveries of the natural origin of species. Traverse the epic voyages and revolutionary insights of two brave young British naturalists as they change science forever.

Galapagos Finch Evolution

The Galápagos finches remain one of our world’s greatest examples of adaptive radiation. Watch as evolutionary biologists Rosemary and Peter Grant detail their 40-year project to painstakingly document the evolution of these famous finches. (HHMI BioInteractive Video)

Reproductive Isolation and Speciation in Lizards

How are speciation and reproductive isolation related? This compelling and fast-paced educational video explores the roles of geographic isolation, reproductive isolation, and adaptation in the formation of new species. (HHMI Biointeractive Video)

Natural Selection and the Rock Pocket Mouse

How quickly can natural selection work? "The Making of the Fittest: Natural Selection and Adaptation" tells the story of a living example of Darwin's process of natural selection and shows how quickly a trait can spread through a population when natural selective pressure is strong. (HHMI Biointeractive Video)

Does the Theory of Evolution Really Matter?

Students who may be disinterested or uncomfortable with the science of evolution often wonder why it is worth their time and effort to understand. Stated Clearly and Emory University's Center for Science Education have joined forces to create this animation addressing these concerns. Created by Stated Clearly)

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